Friday, August 10, 2007

applying fruit to... everything?...

when i first came up with the idea of fruit for this blog i searched "applying fruit to math" but i couldn't find anything philosophical. all i found was some kindergarten web page with puzzles like " how many apples can dance on a banana?....really?" so then i went and researched just fruit to find out if a tomato is a vegetable or not. then i learned the sad truth: its BOTH! it had the venn diagram to prove it and everything! in fact i think i remember someone asking that question and i said "both" just to be funny. but apparently its true. so is the truth funny? or is anything funny true? hmmm... i also saw something about seedless fruits. i thought "what? i thought they all had seeds?!" then i remember the seedless watermelon. so what i came up with was all those supernatural fruit cloning machine gene bending mechanism devise potion (or a s.f.c.m.g.b.m.d.p.) turned all those watermelons into vegetables? this is just confusing so i'm just going to cut to why i put a "?" in "everything?" i actually put some thought into that. everything includes fruit, so applying fruit to fruit would be the opposite of of what the answer already is...paradox! also everything includes vegetables. that's not really that complicated cause i've already figured it out. the answer is simply "regular tomato" not just tomato but regular tomato, because a tomato covers a field. like a tomato that has gone through the s.f.c.m.g.b.m.d.p.. that has never happened to a regular tomato. therefore the answer to applying fruit to veggies is "regular tomato" or even "radioactive watermelon process"(R.a.W.P.) thats what makes it so funny! and that, my friends, how scientist sound smart. they just make everything sound confusing and only understandable to them. i wouldn't consider myself much of a scientist...maybe half of one...i can just take logic and make anything sound confusing. or confusing things myself at least. i award this blog the blog with the most ...dots... and dedicate it to myself and everything i have been through. ta! ta!


nikki said...

Brilliant Parker. I think you lost me somewhere in the middle around everything is fruit... then I spent the rest of the blog trying to figure it out, but I like the all the acronyms.

T Kelly said...

Wow. That was an intense blog bro.