Wednesday, August 15, 2007


i have a few ideas that are just ideas that are just ideas... on is to make consesion dispensing firework. like at the fourth of july there would be a huge firework at the beginning of the show and before you know it, hot dogs would be on little parashoots falling into your hands. and they would be hot from the explosion... so yea, of course they would be cooked! and you know how car doors can be unlocked with that remote thing? that would be cool for real doors. or an ipod that's also a phone....wait thats invented right? it should be. that would be cool. why didn't anyone think of that? (haha) i think movie theaters should have room servise or a touch screen menue for each, each seat. or a soda machine (the one where you hold up the cup to the fountain) but instead of soda its popcorn. don't they have those somewhere? they should make a windchime that keeps salesmen and soliciters away. like a sound that only a salesman would hate. i think i'd like to have a pet elefant for a day. that's just something i needed to say. i think i will write more blogs with my ideas for the neer future. if you like one of them or you have an idea just let me know and i'll get to it. i know you want one of them firework/food dispensers! or ipod/phone...haha! i make me laugh.


Shelbey said...

I think all of those ideas are brilliant, especially the room service in movie theatres.

Shelbey said...

Yes, I've seen photographic evidence of your love of Mexican wrestling masks.

Shelbey said...

This is my third comment. Wow. Anyway, I do not remember with dead cheetah hair, but I will look closer tomorrow.

Cameron said...

I want to hear more of your ideas on concession vending pyrotechnics, but not until after lunch, because they make me hungry.