Saturday, December 3, 2011


ok, ok, chill.

As you might have figure out, my friend from sbboard didn't make that comic he promised he was gonna make because it's "too long" or he's "kinda lazy" or "doesn't have arms right now." But he will probably get around to it and I'll let y'all know when he does. Anywayzzz, here's a reference to last weeks episode. It's not the same story from UF, but it has the same delivery team characters. It's pretty funny.

Yeah that's right, I didn't hyperlink it, I just gave you the link strait up. Take THAT society!

I was gone so I couldn't post last week, and I know most of you are DYING to see the TENTH EPISODE OF UNDEAD FRIENDS!!!

(*cue firework sounds*)

I wanted to make this one awesome, and I was afraid it would be too long, so I cut it in half to make it a cliffhanger so it would be just the right length. You won't mind, because this is a pretty awesome episode, and next week is gonna be just as awesome, provided you get me 1,000 subscribers by next Saturday.

So, without further adizzle, the rest of your life:

[you probably already figured this out, but if you play this episode backwards, you can distinctly hear an old man saying "pizza rolls"]

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